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Tesla Model three crash test two thousand sixteen Volvo S60

Elon Musk took a jab at Volvo while talking about the Tesla Model Trio’s crash test

A view of the Tesla Model Three’s side-impact pole crash test. Tesla/YouTube

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took a jab at Volvo while talking about safety features on the Tesla Model Trio, his company’s fresh entry-level electrified car.

During a handover event at Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California, Friday night, Musk showcased a movie that he said displayed side-by-side clips of a Model three and a two thousand sixteen Volvo S60 undergoing the same crash test.

The test is a type of side-impact crash simulation that mimics a car colliding sideways into a pole at 20mph which, in this test, would typically cause major harm to the driver-side door and a portion of the roof.

The movie appeared to showcase that the Volvo S60, which achieved a five-star crash safety rating in all categories according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, was bruised more severely than the Model Trio.

“There’s a lot of cars that say they’re five-star – they are five-star – however that’s not a scientific metric,” Musk said. “Even something like the Volvo – good car. By normal standards, very safe. The Volvo is arguably the second-safest car in the world,” he said, eliciting laughs and applause from the audience.

“It is demonstrable which car you would choose to be in, in an accident.”

Witness the moment below, embarking at the Four:14 mark:

There was some confusion about that test, after some internet commenters suggested the Volvo S60 was crashed at a higher speed than the Model Trio. But the side-by-side comparison in the movie above does show up to display two identical side-impact pole collisions occurring at 20mph according to NHTSA documentation, and Tesla confirmed in an email to Business Insider that the side-impact tests in the movie were indeed the same.

Musk has made such a comparison in the past, hailing Tesla’s crash safety as the best in the world, a statement that has caught the attention of some industry veterans because Volvos have a longstanding reputation for safety. The company even has a plan to eliminate crash deaths in its fresh cars by 2020.

A Volvo XC90 crash test. Volvo Car Group

It embarked with the seat belts

The 90-year-old Swedish automaker was the very first to install three-point seat belts in a car in one thousand nine hundred fifty nine and has achieved top ratings in crash-test categories for decades. Business Insider asked Volvo Cars US CEO Lex Kerssemakers last year for his take on Musk’s ambition to have Tesla dethrone Volvo as the safest cars on the road.

“In the end, we need to create a society where 33,000 people aren’t killed [in auto accidents] every year, so I can only encourage him in making safe cars,” Kerssemakers said of the Tesla CEO. “I know which is the safest car company, and we’re not going to give that up,” he said.

The Volvo executive said that ultimately he’s not worried with titles, telling vehicle safety is a long-term journey.

“It’s not about ‘we’ve got to win this year and that year.’ We collect data from real-world accidents, and we’ve got a indeed good idea how cars react in different accident screenplays,” Kerssemakers said.

Tesla has previously taken a less charitable view of Tesla crash-test results that were anything less than flawless – notably after a latest test of a Model S that received the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s (IIHS) second-highest rating in a frontal collision.

Tesla hit back at the IIHS, suggesting the agency was motivated by “subjective purposes.”

Get the latest Tesla stock price here.

Tesla Model three crash test two thousand sixteen Volvo S60

Elon Musk took a jab at Volvo while talking about the Tesla Model Three’s crash test

A view of the Tesla Model Trio’s side-impact pole crash test. Tesla/YouTube

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took a jab at Volvo while talking about safety features on the Tesla Model Three, his company’s fresh entry-level electrified car.

During a handover event at Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California, Friday night, Musk demonstrated a movie that he said displayed side-by-side clips of a Model three and a two thousand sixteen Volvo S60 undergoing the same crash test.

The test is a type of side-impact crash simulation that mimics a car colliding sideways into a pole at 20mph which, in this test, would typically cause major harm to the driver-side door and a portion of the roof.

The movie appeared to demonstrate that the Volvo S60, which achieved a five-star crash safety rating in all categories according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, was bruised more severely than the Model Three.

“There’s a lot of cars that say they’re five-star – they are five-star – however that’s not a scientific metric,” Musk said. “Even something like the Volvo – good car. By normal standards, very safe. The Volvo is arguably the second-safest car in the world,” he said, eliciting laughs and applause from the audience.

“It is evident which car you would choose to be in, in an accident.”

Witness the moment below, beginning at the Four:14 mark:

There was some confusion about that test, after some internet commenters suggested the Volvo S60 was crashed at a higher speed than the Model Trio. But the side-by-side comparison in the movie above does show up to showcase two identical side-impact pole collisions occurring at 20mph according to NHTSA documentation, and Tesla confirmed in an email to Business Insider that the side-impact tests in the movie were indeed the same.

Musk has made such a comparison in the past, hailing Tesla’s crash safety as the best in the world, a statement that has caught the attention of some industry veterans because Volvos have a longstanding reputation for safety. The company even has a plan to eliminate crash deaths in its fresh cars by 2020.

A Volvo XC90 crash test. Volvo Car Group

It began with the seat belts

The 90-year-old Swedish automaker was the very first to install three-point seat belts in a car in one thousand nine hundred fifty nine and has achieved top ratings in crash-test categories for decades. Business Insider asked Volvo Cars US CEO Lex Kerssemakers last year for his take on Musk’s ambition to have Tesla dethrone Volvo as the safest cars on the road.

“In the end, we need to create a society where 33,000 people aren’t killed [in auto accidents] every year, so I can only encourage him in making safe cars,” Kerssemakers said of the Tesla CEO. “I know which is the safest car company, and we’re not going to give that up,” he said.

The Volvo executive said that ultimately he’s not worried with titles, telling vehicle safety is a long-term journey.

“It’s not about ‘we’ve got to win this year and that year.’ We collect data from real-world accidents, and we’ve got a indeed good idea how cars react in different accident screenplays,” Kerssemakers said.

Tesla has previously taken a less charitable view of Tesla crash-test results that were anything less than ideal – notably after a latest test of a Model S that received the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s (IIHS) second-highest rating in a frontal collision.

Tesla hit back at the IIHS, suggesting the agency was motivated by “subjective purposes.”

Get the latest Tesla stock price here.

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